Reactive Attachment Disorder Treatment (RAD)
Healing with Love and Limits
Walter D. Buenning, Ph.D. & Assoc.
Palo Alto, CA
Licensed Psychologist, Colorado #1424



About Dr. Buenning

RAD Treatment Philosophy

Articles by Dr. Buenning

Home-based RAD Treatment

RAD Symptom Checklists

Books by Dr. Buenning.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What caused the attachment problem?
    The cause varies from child to child but generally, attachment issues are a result of some type of early childhood trauma which results in the child’s core needs not being met. The trauma can be loss of birth mom, severe neglect, or abuse. The trauma can also be a difficult pregnancy or delivery, or an extended physical illness after birth. The extent of the attachment problem depends on the severity of the trauma or loss.

  • Is this attachment issue my fault?
    In the vast majority of families Dr. Buenning has treated, the attachment problems were created by early childhood trauma that the parents did not cause. If the child is a birth child and has attachment issues, there can be many reasons none of which occurred because the parents did anything intentionally wrong. For instance, a common cause it that of a baby developing colic resulting in prolonged, severe, daily pain. If the colic persists for weeks or even months, the baby can become unattached because the parents could not relieve the pain despite the parents' best efforts.

  • What ages do you treat?
    Dr. Buenning treats children from early infancy well into their teenage years.

  • How far do you travel?
    Dr. Buenning travels nationally and internationally.

  • Is in-home therapy better or worse than hospital treatment?
    It is always important to enter treatment at the level the family requires. Outpatient therapy is the least disruptive mode of treatment for the family and is by far less costly than inpatient hospitalization or residential treatment. Additionally, it is preferable to start treatment early for RAD as symptoms generally intensify without treatment and can result in a hospitalization later on. Of course, each situation will be evaluated individually and a decision will be made between Dr. Buenning and the family regarding the appropriateness of this treatment program for their child.

  • Would it be better if we travelled to you?
    Dr. Buenning provides attachment therapy in his Colorado clinic or travels to people’s homes. The decision is based on individual family circumstances and will be made jointly between Dr. Buenning and the family. The method that provides the family the most help at the least cost and in the shortest amount of time is the preferred choice.

  • How can I be sure my child has RAD?
    Contact Dr. Buenning for an initial consult and complete the Checklists provided on this website. Additionally, there is extensive attachment disorder literature available in local bookstores and on the internet. You also may consult a mental health professional in your area for an evaluation.

  • What is your success rate?
    The success rate is nearly 100 % with infants, 90 % or more with toddlers, and 50 % or greater with children 5 years of age and older. In Dr. Buenning’s experience the most important criterion for success are parents who are loving, committed, responsible, strong, and determined to heal their child.

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Copyright © 2025 Walter D. Buenning, Ph.D. & Assoc.
Reactive Attachment Disorder Treatment